This is a very personal story about how technology changes the way we live.  I wanted to share it because I find it instructive as technology continues to effectively shrink our world and reduce our man made boundaries.  These are changes that we should embrace, rather than fearing and resisting, because they will ultimately lead us to richness – not wealth, but fulfillment. Continue reading

In our US education system, we have become concerned with preserving or promoting the self-esteem of students. The educators who initiated this use the psychological definition of the term to mean a persons sense of self worth or personal value. As opposed to a merriam webster definition of self-esteem which is a confidence and satisfaction in oneself.

I would never say that it is not important for students to believe in themselves, to feel important or valuable. But it is the source and method of developing self-esteem that I have observed that I question. Students who gain competence, and through competence a sense of confidence, and finally a sense of value in their own capacity to accomplish – have a self-sustaining self-esteem. That is, it is natural and does not require outside assistance or bolstering. This is the state that we are striving to acheive in students. Continue reading