Political parties and politicians like to paint themselves with broad brushes. This is probably so that they can appeal to the broadest segments of the population, especially those who are not motivated enough to dig in and understand the finer points of a candidates belief system, or platform – identifying as a liberal or a conservative is one way to signal to potential voters.

But I am aware that fewer and fewer voters and perhaps politicians understand or can articulate what it means to be liberal, or conservative or, in fact, WHY they favor one over the other. Continue reading

So everyone knows that the US has a goofy immigration policy. For centuries, people have been coming here from other parts of the world, because we have stood as an emblem of opportunity. People have said to themselves, “If I can get to America, I have a better chance of __________” – fill in the blank.

The slogan of the statue of liberty says “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses…” America has always welcomed immigrants with open arms, recognizing that most of its residents came from once immigrant families. My own grandfather immigrated from Norway at the end of the 19th century, my mom’s sister has traced their mother’s lineage back to a German immigrant named George Rausch who came before the revolutionary war.

With the exception of the First American population, all of us are the descendants of immigrants, and if you go back far enough, the First Americans immigrated from Asia – so none of us are really “natives”. Continue reading