The whole world’s gone crazy.  There are a lot of things in this election that don’t make much sense.  The media has been completely bamboozled.  The republican party has been taken over by aliens.  Cats and Dogs living together, mass hysteria.

…and we owe it all to “The Donald”.

He has put on a pretty amazing display of showmanship.  He acts like a blow hard.  He acts like an arrogant self-promoting narcissist.  He attacks, attacks, attacks.  Anybody lands a blow on Trump gets a surprising amount of payback, and Trump is a master.  Continue reading

Every politician that runs a campaign has a plank in their platform about education or education reform. They have it because it is necessary. The vast majority of voters have an interest in education – either their own or that of their offspring. We have decided as a nation that education is our path to better careers, higher income, and higher living standards. We have invested the responsibility for most of that in our state and local governments.

If you go back before world war I, this was still true – as soon as there was a community with enough kids, they would hire a school master or mistress and erect a school to help make their community literate. Students learned in one room schools together throughout elementary school. But as families flocked to urban centers, one room schools seemed to not answer the needs of our increasingly industrial society. Schools became more about preparing students for life in an increasingly industrial and corporate environment. Continue reading

One of the topics that has been actively debated on both sides for generations is term limits for public offices.

So I have some questions that relate to this topic:

1) Is holding political office really something that should be considered a career?
2) Are the skills that help someone get elected really indicative of or even related to the skills that will make someone effective in public office?
3) Does it matter by the office? Is our answer different for legislators, executives, administrators or bureaucrats?
4) Does it matter if I limit the term in one office, if there are other offices that a man can be elected to? Continue reading

Political parties and politicians like to paint themselves with broad brushes. This is probably so that they can appeal to the broadest segments of the population, especially those who are not motivated enough to dig in and understand the finer points of a candidates belief system, or platform – identifying as a liberal or a conservative is one way to signal to potential voters.

But I am aware that fewer and fewer voters and perhaps politicians understand or can articulate what it means to be liberal, or conservative or, in fact, WHY they favor one over the other. Continue reading

So everybody realizes that the syndication of media at a national or global level presents a challenge to the role of the media’s ability to hold our elected officials accountable. I have stated 5 issues or challenges surrounding our relationship with the media and media’s relationship with government below. But I want to start by saying what I think can be done about them.

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