OK – before we know much about what happened.  Before the analysis, and the blame, and the political posturing.  Before anyone starts to grind their typical axes.  Pray.

Pray for the victims and their families and loved ones, for those who perished and who were injured.  Pray for the perpetrators – that they would repent of their actions, and that they would ask forgiveness of those they injured.  Pray for our culture – not just in the USA, but world wide – that this global society would be able to stop for a moment and see that this – chaos; anarchy; violence – this is not the answer, nor the way forward.

Pray for our children, all of them, that they could possibly grow up in a world where this sort of attack is not seen by anyone as a solution, but only as a problem.

Pray for our leaders that they could respond with grace and civility to set an example for the generations to come.

Pray for all of us that we would not cower in fear, or react with malice or out of vengeance, but would respond with love and grace.